Teeth Whitening

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Have your pearly whites lost their radiance in recent years? Perhaps, you’ve just had your teeth professionally cleaned but are not happy with their shade? You might want to consider teeth whitening treatment before losing your hope!

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Riverside Dental ClinicTeeth whitening is a sought-after cosmetic dental care procedure that easily, effectively lightens the natural shade of the teeth through various methods. These include bleaching, whitening toothpaste, and other related products that eliminate discoloration or stains for a minimal cost.

While highly effective to lighten someone’s teeth and bring back that gorgeous smile, tooth whitening is not for everyone. You’re an ideal candidate if both of your gum and teeth healthy as well as you have a good health record. At our Riverside dental Clinic, our teeth whitening treatments work on intrinsic and extrinsic staining. We’ll conduct an initial consultation to determine which form of treatment will work best for you.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment

It is the most effective type of teeth whitening method performed by our general Riverside dentists. We make use of a provide formula with a high concentration to achieve optimal results. However, in some cases, a laser whitening technique is used to improve the bleaching agent’s effect. There’s a constraint in using this technique, though, especially those with teeth sensitivity. If you have special occasions to attend to and want dramatic results, this treatment might complement well with you.

Custom Teeth Whitening Trays

Customized whitening trays are just similar to standard whitening trays, although they are designed by the dentists to fit onto your teeth perfectly. It proves to be safe and effective to use compared to the market brought trays since these are customized with a high peroxide concentration. You need to wear the trays according to your dentist’s instruction.

Teeth Whitening Strips

The whitening strips we offer at our dental clinic are not like those you can usually purchase from the store. They are professional whitening strips that deliver a noticeable change in the teeth’s color. Also similar to teeth whitening trays, you will be recommended to wear them regularly for about one to two hours. Results would occur in a few days.

Teeth Whitening Toothpastes

A gradual and slow method of whitening the teeth is through the use of whitening toothpaste, although it might also deliver effective results. Our Riverside dentist can recommend a toothpaste suited to your dental conditions. Most products contain abrasives with a special polishing agent that helps teeth whitening – usually by removing stains on the enamel of your tooth. It may take several weeks before noticing any changes in the shade of your teeth.

Get A Brighter Smile Today!

Riverside Dental ClinicThe way your teeth look has a huge impact on your self-confidence. Discoloration or stained teeth is something that can happen to anyone, especially those who tend to smoke or drink coffee. Fortunately, there are some different types of teeth whitening treatments you can take so you will no longer hide those beautiful smiles. For more information about our teeth whitening procedures, feel free to contact us today!

Have a brighter, whiter day! Book an appointment now.